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Our Party.

 We believe that we can create a more just future for everyone through our policies and determination. Each member of the party has a role that suits their skills so that we can operate smoothly. Everyone in our party is equal and gets a say in what the party does, no matter what their role is. With the values of commitment, determination and creativity our party will make sure that we deliver justice to all.



Emily Price

Co-party leader

Joanne Tu

Advertising and social media

Izzie Wood

Co-party leader

 Celia Chen

Advertising and social media

Hayley Price

Advertising and social media

Emma Miao

Advertising and social media

Sofia Sanfilippo

Website editor

Sienna Catalogna

Key document editor

Katherine Mason

Website editor

Cate Lyster

Key document editor

Alyssa Chin

Website editor

Maddie McDonald

Key document editor

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